Nannies |
We have a database of
prospective nannies for you to choose from. All the nannies registered
with our agency have been personally interviewed and pre-screened.
Live In Nannies
Accommodation and food provided by family / client
A normal working day for live in nannies would be up to 12 hours a day -
5 days a week.
Live in nanny salary: $1200-$1400 / month
Live out Nannies
Live out nannies / Daily Nannies travel to you / your family every day
on their own expenses
A normal working day for a live out/ daily nanny would be 10 hours a
day- 5 days a week.
Babysitting possible by negotiation, but needs to be paid extra
Part time live out nannies can charge you hourly anywhere between $11 -
$17 an hour
Live out nanny salary: $400 - $500 + net a week
Part time Nannies
Usually live out nannies
Nanny hours or days are to be agreed between client and candidate.
Babysitting possible after agreement
Part time nanny salary: anywhere between $11 - $17 an hour
Holiday terms to be agreed between client and the nanny.